Sunday 3 March 2013

World Book Day 2013

We will be celebrating World Book Day this week. Your child got a £1 book voucher last week which you can use in a bookstore to purchase a book.

One of our activities for World Book Day, we are going to talk about our favourite book. If your child wants they can bring a book from home to add to our favourite book display. We will also be writing a report in class about our favourite book.

Please see The World Book Day website below which has a lot of fun games:

Libby has completed her sewing

P1 Ladybirds do sewing every Thursday afternoon with help from volunteers in the community. They are all doing very well. Libby is the first to complete her sewing.

Friday 1 March 2013

World Maths Day

Hello boys and girls

The World Maths Day is on Thursday 7th of March. You have all been enjoying going on the World Maths website. However I have realised tonight that your login details are in your homework jotters which are in the classroom.

The website :